Swe574 2023 Fall Midterm Deliverables

Customer Milestone 1 Deliverables

Due Date: Pre-release of the software (30.10.2023, 17:00), other deliverables (02.11.2023, 17:00).
Format: A markdown document named m1_group<x>.md where <x> is your group number.
Submission: You will commit the file to your group’s repository under the reports folder.


This submission includes the software artifacts related to the software development activities performed thus far. It includes all the code, requirements, designs, planning, and management artifacts. The following deliverables you have worked on thus far will be compiled into a single report. Do not add your design documents to the report; provide links. These links should be within the repo or the wiki (e.g., a link to a UML diagram in the wiki) in order for us to see timestamps and versions.

You are expected to present a demo of your project. Your demo must work error-free for the requirements it covers. Please remember that the demo will be presented to the customer. Therefore, your demo must have functional front-end and mobile apps. To give a better idea about your end product, you can create mock data and other static elements for the parts you have not implemented yet. Remember that this is an opportunity to get feedback from the customer. Therefore, showing features of the software you need clarification on might be a good idea.

Milestone Review

This report is a synthesis and a reflection of your work so far. Your report should be prepared based on the software artifacts you have produced and your reflections on the process. Customer milestones allow you to reflect on your work, align your work with the customer’s expectations, and adjust your work plan.

The report outline should be as follows.

The Software

The software you have been developing so far should be prepared with good practices in mind (e.g., documentation, tests, etc.) and committed to the repository appropriately (e.g., merged with pull requests, reviewed before a merge, containing good commit messages).

Individual Contributions

While preparing your report, provide the necessary references to your work (e.g., pull requests, issues, etc.) on GitHub. Each member should add a subsection under the individual contributions section in the following format.

The qualities of good issues, commits, and pull/merge requests have been covered and reiterated numerous times. They must be well-written and appropriately closed (with links to relevant outcomes).